Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Trying To Get To Heaven

Swati: skirting issues eh?
Siddhartha: skirts, where?
Swati: i so knew you'd say that

PS: The title is a Bob Dylan song, no other allusions. Honest.

Monday, October 6, 2008

Sine quibus non / no intern can apply

swati: this guy graduated from cornell
and worked for boeing if i remember right
me: wow
swati: his major was engg physics
and he took vladmir nabakov's literature class
me: the wow is for the pretty good poetry.
now i'm jealous
11:24 PM swati: that's the sorta guy i want
me: really?
swati: yeah physics and poetry pretty much does it for me
me: lol
swati: as do awesomely killing looks
and a brilliant sense of humor
11:25 PM me: aren't you easy to please. swati: and musical abilities would definitely help

Saturday, September 27, 2008

"CCP us!", scream the lines.

10 minutes
11:59 PM Siddhartha: you ditched me too
i'm friendless in this cold cruel world

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Ishq Bector

On a lazy Sunday afternoon,
: so do you like pomfret?
1:14 PM and prawns?
Anupam: yes, not my favourite though
me: what is?
Anupam: surmai
and hilsa
1:15 PM me: ee gavar
is a funny name if you notice
Anupam: and the john dory i had in italy
now call me a gavar

The same afternoon,
2:43 PM i needed to look decent for thepassport pic
you declined
2:44 PM Anupam: i didn't
u withdrew
the offer
2:45 PM me: you cant say more than two horribke things about the hair ok
2:46 PM two is the max upper limit
2:47 PM ok you declined again
2:51 PM Anupam: sorry.... my gtalk copped out on me
i can't seem to download it
me: are you on yahoo too?
that's the last time i'm going to try
Anupam: god doesn't want to put a smile on my face
2:52 PM me: :)
Anupam: i'm not on yahoo
2:53 PM me: oh ok i'll just mail it
then all the best to you
Anupam: sheesh just share it over this thing one more time
2:54 PM you're toying with me
u withdrew again!
me: you poor thing
gtalk is playing with your heart
Anupam: you're enjoyin this, aren't u
me: do i get to lie?
2:55 PM Anupam: in exchange for 3 horrible comments, yes


9:18 PM me: new old post
Sid: aah
guys are sending me pictures of you
9:19 PM me: what?1
Sid: what has the world come to
me: you mean arjun?
Sid: ya
me: arjun's not a guy
not a guy guy i mean

Mere paas ma hai

On June 18th,
me: ok i neex to stop sounding like your um
Sheetal: lol
no ya
1:38 PM i badly need to be shaken bt the shoulders
me: uhh is slapping allowed?
can i can i?
Sheetal: lol
1:39 PM only if you do it in true bollywood fashion
1:40 PM how does sushrut get to hear about your crop before i do
me: sheetal sheetal jag jao yeh tumhare liye theek nahi, utho sheetal utho!
he didnt
he just found out

Coz Pink is my favorite crayon...

On June 18th,
me: busy are we?

Sid: i'm available
in more ways than one

A little later the same night

12:30 AM Sid: anupam now wants to come play the yamaha electronic piano we bought
me: 2:31 AM
cool so are you letting anupam come over?
it's a good excuse
Sid: i somehow am really disinterested
12:32 AM yes it sure is a good excuse
we have been drifting apart off late
me: how come?
your relationship needs to be spiced up a bit
Sid: it's not the same any more
12:33 AM me: it's getting oldit happens
Sid: it's the five and half year itch
way too many bedbugs in sassoon
or as you put it, the initial passion has worn off

Thursday, June 5, 2008


me: i dont have the energy to even reply to ppl who call up anymore
i make bahanas to hang up quickly

10:50 PM Siddhartha: u know it's the fact that we're all at this phase where our routine of the last 4 years has been upset forever
i mean let's face is over.
me: ...
Siddhartha: and that fact sucks at times

Friday, August 17, 2007


August 12th, 2007
1:15 PM
Arjun: now what do we have here
me: one truant to order
Arjun: one truant to go
me: lol
Arjun: with fries and a shake
a not-so-happy meal

Thursday, August 16, 2007

Death becomes her (or him or them or whomever)

9:09 PM
Siddhartha: well fascinating reviews i got from arjun actually
me: really now?
were they positive or negative?
Siddhartha: "she's not at all as random as you make her out to be"
me: although he did add himself to my fan list the very next day
Siddhartha: "you and anupam are shit scared of her...i dunno why you guys are so intimidated"
9:10 PM
me: but that may well be a facade
Siddhartha: of course i'm digging my grave here by telling you all this considering that we're having a major foursome tomorrow
me: you are shit scared of me?
shit scared of me?
Siddhartha: apparently...