Monday, October 6, 2008

Sine quibus non / no intern can apply

swati: this guy graduated from cornell
and worked for boeing if i remember right
me: wow
swati: his major was engg physics
and he took vladmir nabakov's literature class
me: the wow is for the pretty good poetry.
now i'm jealous
11:24 PM swati: that's the sorta guy i want
me: really?
swati: yeah physics and poetry pretty much does it for me
me: lol
swati: as do awesomely killing looks
and a brilliant sense of humor
11:25 PM me: aren't you easy to please. swati: and musical abilities would definitely help

1 comment:

The World Within said...

How Could You?!
And by Jove! It's Vladimir Nabokov, awful :(