Thursday, August 9, 2007


me: havent seen that either
and you actually went through word after word of UD for bakkushan?
11:46 PM he told you that!
the snitch!
11:47 PM
me: yes!
you should have just blackmailed him for it
always works darlin'
11:48 PM nyah
arjun cracked easy enough
me: yeah i mean arjun
11:49 PM just that i needed to look it up for myself..

(Nota Bene: If you want to kill me, by all means do, just make sure it's painless)


Onyma said...

slow. painful. very.

The World Within said...

aww. i'm guessing sorry wont suffice. anyhow, dark chocolate anyone?

Arjun said...

not that i have much to do with it, but i'll take the dark chocolate anyway